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Soon the Light Studio

Jonathan Magen
May 8, 20201 min read
Doggy issues
If the virus and the heat were no enough so my old dog is acting up... waking me up at 3 am of her crying laying on the floor, she...
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Jonathan Magen
May 1, 20202 min read
Sounds good
Update, I'm not sick, but thing here are getting really good and my reserved order is cancelled, in a sense I came here for nothing......
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Jonathan Magen
Apr 30, 20202 min read
SARS CoV2 and me
Just when you thought things can't get any worse... It always happens. So how I deal with it? I was sent back home to be ready to be...
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Jonathan Magen
Apr 27, 20202 min read
It's getting better
So, the infected in Israel are starting to go down, and I mean by healing more than dying which is good! My army call has been downgraded...
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Jonathan Magen
Apr 24, 20201 min read
Why is it so hot here?
Well... summer is here. It's hot, not hellish but hot, I started to sweat again, I guess I got used to the British weather. I did some...
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Jonathan Magen
Apr 20, 20202 min read
MS Teams
So as it seems this pandemic is going to take some time, so coming to university is not going to be an option this year, so we are...
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Jonathan Magen
Feb 20, 20201 min read
Demo Level creation
Hello, Currently i'm working on a game idea I pitched. In brief: It's a 3D side scroll game. You play as a dead person who try to reach...
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Jonathan Magen
Feb 4, 20202 min read
Future project plan
The last run is now up! We need to think a make a 2 slides presentation on what we plan to do for the end of the year which is also the...
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Jonathan Magen
Nov 19, 20192 min read
Goose chase
This week in our session we have not done any particular work some have done their research other did project development. In the mean...
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Jonathan Magen
Nov 16, 20192 min read
Week 2 Indie Dev insights
This is the 2nd week, so far we have not created anything, but we have talked about what we wish to expand our knowledge in. So some of...
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Jonathan Magen
Nov 15, 20192 min read
First week of Final Year
So, back to University once again, now it's getting serious! Third year and now I need to change the mind set from course work to career...
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Jonathan Magen
Oct 27, 20192 min read
Project: Mars Roller
2 Questions: A. Have you seen the movie Interstellar? B. Have you seen Mars no Netflix? If you answered both yes so this game should be...
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